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Log Submission

Logs Received

Log Submission - 2024

Attention! N1MM bug has been fixed with version 1.0.10291 issued on May 7. If you're located within one of the 4 QSO party areas (7QP, NEQP, INQP, DEQP) and your original generated Cabrillo log was missing the county portion of the copied QTH (e.g. OR instead of ORDES, NH instead of NHROC) or you just want to play it safe, you should update N1MM to the new version, regenerate your Cabrillo log and resubmit it.

Use this form to submit your Cabrillo-formatted log for the 7th Call Area QSO Party for log checking. The form software will briefly check your log submission for proper format and completeness before forwarding it to the contest sponsor.

Note: You may submit a single log that combines all of your QSOs from the 7th Call Area, New England, Indiana and Delaware QSO parties. QSOs not applicable to the 7QP will be ignored.

Submitter's E-mail Address

What operator category are you entering? Single-Op   Multi-Op   Check Log  

What mode category are you entering? Mixed   CW Only   Phone only   Digital only  

What's the highest output power you used during the contest (numeric value)? Watts

What transmitter category are you entering? Single   Multi  

What station category are you entering? Fixed   Mobile   Expedition  

Select Log File on Your Computer:   OR   Paste your Cabrillo-formatted log into the text area below: